Dear peeps,
Looks like I've been M.I.A...I seriously wish there was more time in a day and that life would slow's been mad busy as usual! b-ball tourney, bowling, soccer, baby shower, b day parties, elections and to top it off,'s gonna be a while till life slows down but I'm living life like it's golden =) I live in Toronto and we had our elections for our Mayor last night...I'm not going to really get into it because I'm not a political person but just to put it out there, I am truly disappointed in the results....I am also kinda scared that my neighbours, the people I pass each day, my hairdresser, my family doctor, the cute Greek old men walking on the street, could possibly be the people who have elected an ignorant and hot mouthed individual who would be Toronto's representative....I am trying to stay positive and hopeful that, this new Mayor will actually stand by what he has promised to HIS people....anyhooz I'm gonna take a breather and stop thinking about politics......
Anyhooz, I've been wanting to post some of my stuff for the longest time, so here goes....lemme know what yall think....My fiance and I have been also brainstorming ideas for our wedding.....will posting some of that as well....
Until next time peeps, hang in there and give peace a chance =)
Love always,