Sunday, June 17, 2012

A photo a day....

Hello lovelies, Since May 27, 2012, I have been taking photos and choosing one to print so that I can put it in my 365 days in photos album =] I'm sharing my 5 favourite photos =] Enjoy and have a great night, Carezza

Finally a post.....

Hello peeps!!!! Wow!It's been a long while again..oh how I missed you! =] Life has been chaotic and I've been meaning to post some stuff that I've been working here I am today =] I've always wanted to do a 365 day project...I've attempted many times and failed after a week could see that in my posts way back...i tried to do one of what I wore on a budget as I vowed not to buy any clothes after my wedding... that didn't work...then I tried to do another one where I posted something I made or that didn't work...I bought this photo album "A photo a day" @ Urban Outfitters for only $9.99! =] From May 27, 2012, I will be taking a photo each day and talking a bit about the far I have been on time =] will be posting some of the photos...I've also been busy making cards..I wanted to make 100 cards available for sale and so far I've made a lil over 100 =] I've made some cute hello kitty card sets that I absolutely love...I'm also working on some wedding signs for my friends wedding which is coming up very soon, countdown =] So lots to catch up on folks, stay tuned =] always, Carezza p.s enjoy this beautiful sunday =]