Friday, December 27, 2013
Cheers to a merry christmas and a happy 2014!
Wow! It really has been a long time since I have posted! I've been trying to change the layout for the longest time but blogspot has been very slow today! Just wanted to stop by and wish everyone a (belated) merry merry christmas and a happy 2014! Hope everyone had a safe and happy holidays with loved ones....I also wanted to do a post before 2013 ends! 2013 has been a great year for me and I look forward to what 2014 brings (hopefully more blessings =] and happiness...This year has been a year of travelling and trying to do things I've never done before....highlights can all be found on my instagram account ( @carezza)...I love using instagram because it is quick and easy and I love post at least one photo a day so I have more than 3000 photos now!
I honestly want to keep up with this blog and I hope I do especially for 2014...I'd like to do stuff I always said I would do in the new year like:
-maintain my blog
-open an online shop
-travel more (ie. europe, philippines, go to an all inclusive with TJ! lol)
-purge and give away stuff I don't need or use
-work out and eat healthy
Looking at this list looks more like new year's resolutions lol...I guess it is but it is a to-do list for me! lol
Will be posting some photos of my amazing 2013 in the next post....
Thank you for being patient with my blog...please come visit again and let me know you passed by :)
Peace and Love,
Thursday, July 4, 2013
lol still here.....
Wudddduuupppp peeps!
I can not count how many times I have been meaning to work on my blog! Everyday I have an idea/thought/photo/or craft that I wanted to post but laziness, busy ness (probably not a word, lol but yall understand), and procrastination got in the way! =p wahhhhhhhh! lol...I'm browsing my blog right now and totally want to do an overhaul....I am not tech savvy so it will take a while...I have so much to post...I just got back from an awesome trip to muskoka...we stayed at a friend's cottage and got the all star treatment and warm hospitality....I love the outdoors...hopefully we can squeeze in Algonquin before summer is over....right now, the hubby and I are looking forward to our road trip to New Orleans!!!!!! so excited just thinking about it! We are still doing research on what we want to see and how we are going to map out our trip...anyhooz in the mean time, I hope everyone is doing well...just wanted to pop by and say to the blog world that I am still here =p lol
Happy thursday peeps, the weekend is near!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Mercredi! On est presque lá!
Bonjour Lovelies,
We are half way there! teheheheh countdown for the weekend begins! Today is a good day! Pope Francis has been chosen...praying that he can make a change for the better and that people find their belief and faith again...
On my 7th day for my 365 day project! yay! still keeping up....This is a short but sweet post! =] Trying to make the midnight deadline lol!
Night night!
Carezza xoxo

Tuesday, March 12, 2013
A gloomy but a fun tuesday =]
Hi peeps,
Happy tuesday! Trying to look at the bright side of things on this cloudy gloomy day...I had an awesome course today "Creative thinking and Workplace innovation"...I was able to take the course with good friends and we laughed till tears came down and our tummy and cheeks hurt..we caught up and at the same time learned alot the end of the day I am feeling happy, relaxed, and inspired...I learned that everyone is creative in their own special way and that in order to be creative we have to have beliefs...believe that we can be creative...I totally agree with what Daniel Goleman says:
"Closely related to self-confidence is what psychologists call 'self efficacy', the positive judgement of one's own capacity to perform. Self-efficacy is not the same as the actual skills we have, but rather our belief about what we can do with the skills we have. Skill alone is not enough to guarantee our best performance- we have to believe in our skills in order to use them at their best."
I think that everyone has it in them to be creative...they just have to try and the skills will come the more they practice...I am totally guilty of saying "I can't do this or I can't do that" many times without even trying yet...but each time I try and actually CAN do it, the sense of relief and "a-ha" moment is an amazing feeling!=] LOL that's my preach for the day....
Because I'm feeling inspired, I decided to go with it and start up a lil project I've always wanted to do and haven't tried yet....I love polka dots! I took a white top and used Fabric gold glitter paint with a wine cork to make polka is still a work in progress but I'm posting a photo of what I have so far...I'm also posting my photo for today...6 days down 359 to go lol! I am hoping I can complete this attempt to do a 365 day project....
Night night! =]
Carezza xoxo

Monday, March 11, 2013
Happy monday....
Hi lovelies,
It's been a while has been seems like there isn't enough time in the day..lately I've been feeling so tired! Eagerly waiting for spring and feeling the warmth of the sun :) I've been attempting to do a 365 project for the longest time and I am giving it a go again...I started on Thursday March 7, 2013...I will be posting my favorite photo that I've taken that I take alot of photos in a day so I don't think I'll have a problem with this project! lol unless I get lazy to post like I usually current addictions are candy crush and Korean drama Baker King Kim Tak Goo...I've also been making cards but haven't posted any yet! will do that soon! For now here are the photos I've taken so far for my 365 =]

Monday, February 11, 2013
Happy Monday!
lol it always seems like I post on my blog on a mondays are hard for me..seems like I need to vent on mondays lol or say something or share's been tough these days but I'm working through it...I keep wanting to post and then I get lazy or caught up in korean dramas...i'm tired of having never ending to do list and empty thoughts (saying I would do something and don't)I have so much organizing to do! my mac is in need of major cleanup and I still have thousands of photos to sort out! when I get to that I will post more...
until then, Peace and love!
Monday, January 28, 2013
Happy monday!
Hello lovelies!
Happy monday =]...although I feel so blah about mondays I am trying to be positive about it lol...trying to be a person who does not sweat the small stuff and to go with the flow and not resist...if I keep saying I dislike or can't stand mondays then mondays will always be a dreaded weekend was pretty chill and laid back...I hope yours was too =] I finally met up with my sister and my good friend reenamz to have our christmas gift exchange lol The funny thing is, we said no christmas gifts this year (woops now last year! lol) and we still got each other gifts, "something little" lol....we met at this cute little cafe called Art Square Cafe and caught up from last year, good times! Here are some photos of our awesome night =]
Peace and love,
Friday, January 25, 2013
bizzaaaaccckk... lol
Hello lovelies,
Will try my best to post again....Although I am not sure if anyone comes by here or not but I feel bad when I don't post anything on my blog...I really to make myself feel better I am going to try to blog's one of my resolutions for far the new year had started off nicely with family time on nye in Montreal...unfortunately, I heard some devastating news that I am not ready to share yet...I am really sad right now but I am trying my best to be positive and I always hear in the K-dramas, aza aza fighting!!!! *fist in the air* have alot to post! alot of photos so I am playing catch I started off the new year in an organizing frenzy...i took 2 days off and it wasn't enough but none the less it was still productive...i finally rolled my coins, organized my craft supplies and purged and organized my are some photos...
Sunday, January 6, 2013
happy 2013 =]
Hi Peeps,
It's been so chaotic these past months and I am so thankful and happy that this weekend was so chill and was busy but an awesome busy =] I've been meaning to post something especially because I had time off after new year's but the 2 days I was off work were spent, cleaning, purging and organizing...I am not the only I know for sure who is in cleaning/organizing mode...I saw so many tumblr post on organizing and the cleaning products from Shopper's drug mart were all sold out especially the bleach! lol I actually rolled up about 4 jars full of change! Even pennies lol that took hours! I still have some pennies to roll up so I will post a photo of that and peeps can guess how much I have lol...I also took out all my jewellery out of boxes and didn't realize how much jewellery I actually have and organized them and put them on a stand that I got at ikea..and the earring stand was a clearance item that I got for $ was $20 regular price! i definitely got a sweet deal! =]
TJ and I did some more cleaning up this weekend...we got alot of things done and we even chilled at home, cooked our lunch and dinner and had a Hangover marathon! lol Sunday was awesome too! TJ and I went shopping for his ice skates then we went to sharpen our took us an hour to look for a place to sharpen our skates and when we found one, they said it would take half an we decided to go grocery shopping and it took us only 1/2 hour =] We were on a roll =] Unfortunately it seemed like everyone was getting their skates sharpened and we had to wait another hour!!!!! By the time we got home we were starved and TJ cooked this awesome beef rib stew! Friends that I haven't seen since last year passed by also and we were able to catch up...then TJ and I finally went ice skating! =] This weekend was definitely a good one and I hope it will give the energy for the coming week! I hope you all had a great weekend as well!
Toodles for now!
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