Hi peeps,
Happy tuesday! Trying to look at the bright side of things on this cloudy gloomy day...I had an awesome course today "Creative thinking and Workplace innovation"...I was able to take the course with good friends and we laughed till tears came down and our tummy and cheeks hurt..we caught up and at the same time learned alot today...at the end of the day I am feeling happy, relaxed, and inspired...I learned that everyone is creative in their own special way and that in order to be creative we have to have beliefs...believe that we can be creative...I totally agree with what Daniel Goleman says:
"Closely related to self-confidence is what psychologists call 'self efficacy', the positive judgement of one's own capacity to perform. Self-efficacy is not the same as the actual skills we have, but rather our belief about what we can do with the skills we have. Skill alone is not enough to guarantee our best performance- we have to believe in our skills in order to use them at their best."
I think that everyone has it in them to be creative...they just have to try and the skills will come the more they practice...I am totally guilty of saying "I can't do this or I can't do that" many times without even trying yet...but each time I try and actually CAN do it, the sense of relief and "a-ha" moment is an amazing feeling!=] LOL that's my preach for the day....
Because I'm feeling inspired, I decided to go with it and start up a lil project I've always wanted to do and haven't tried yet....I love polka dots! I took a white top and used Fabric gold glitter paint with a wine cork to make polka dots...it is still a work in progress but I'm posting a photo of what I have so far...I'm also posting my photo for today...6 days down 359 to go lol! I am hoping I can complete this attempt to do a 365 day project....
Night night! =]
Carezza xoxo