
Dear Munchkins,
Today was a bit of a crazy day....I always hear that things happen for a reason....lol I wonder what today's events mean and in the grand scheme of things, what is the reason for today? I was on my way to work, walking, and thinking how my day will go...as I'm crossing the street, I see a cab turning right towards me! I am more than half way across the street when he is coming right at me, I hit his car and he still didnt stop and i did this grand jump to move out of the way and he ends up hitting my lunch bag...my yogurt and full size cucumber flew out of my bag...I yelled at him...I was like "What's wrong with you?"....and in hindsight I'm like what's wrong with me? I should have yelled FFFFFFFFFFFFF UUUUUUU!!! The cabbie just waved...wut the effage!! Then this man who saw what happened said I should call Beck's Cab Company and report that cabbie #68 practically ran me over....I was shaking and couldn't call at the moment. I slowly picked up my cucumber and yogurt and continued on to work...I wrote an e-mail complaint and will e-mail again tomorrow...
As I continue walking...I tripped and almost fell! Not a good thing when I'm wearing a short dress with no tights and carrying 3 bags! lol
My friend, Fatz (I know, some peeps might find that calling my friend Fatz is rude...but her name is Fatima and she doesn't mind that I call her Fatz)..were talking about how we don't like to be around birds because they might do #2 on us. As we were walking towards an urban oasis for our long awaited massages, I felt something wet and hot on my arm....I was passing a tree and a bird that was perched on a branch had decided to do #2 and white ish landed on my arm!...wat the effage...as a result, Fatz had asked me to buy her a lotto ticket...i bought us both lotto tickets! I really hope that the reason all these things happen is so that we could win the lotto!
THEN....after dinner, I went to the washroom and did #1....I flushed the toilet and got splashed on all over my legs!!!!!!!! shhhooootttt! what an effing day right? lol....although it was, I'm actually quite happy as I am now home safely and totally relaxed...the massage I had was amazing! I know I will sleep nicely tonight *yawn*
lol on that note, I'm out like a light....
p.s I am posting some of the stuff I did =]
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