Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A comeback or not....

Bon soir peeps! Wow! The time has passed again....2 months later, I am making an attempt at a comeback lol life has been crazy seems like it always keep thinking after TJ and I get married, things will slow has been 221 days since we got and no!!!!! I haven't been counting the days, our wedding website still has the counter going "221 days since our wedding" [ ] I haven't had the heart to delete it yet...maybe in a year lol....I've been busy: -organizing and purging a ton of stuff that we've collected over the 7 years we've been in our is a sewer, I'm a crafter, and we both take we have a ton of material, scraps of material, paper, stickers, etc.... -organizing for my friend's surprise wedding shower -recently travelled to Montreal but made stops along the way, Napanee, Ottawa and Mont Tremblant -purchased our first ever new car, Shinobi (mazda cx5 gt 2013) life has been busy and I am appreciating every minute of it =] toodles for now, Carezza xoxo