Friday, December 27, 2013

Cheers to a merry christmas and a happy 2014!

Wow! It really has been a long time since I have posted! I've been trying to change the layout for the longest time but blogspot has been very slow today! Just wanted to stop by and wish everyone a (belated) merry merry christmas and a happy 2014! Hope everyone had a safe and happy holidays with loved ones....I also wanted to do a post before 2013 ends! 2013 has been a great year for me and I look forward to what 2014 brings (hopefully more blessings =] and happiness...This year has been a year of travelling and trying to do things I've never done before....highlights can all be found on my instagram account ( @carezza)...I love using instagram because it is quick and easy and I love post at least one photo a day so I have more than 3000 photos now! I honestly want to keep up with this blog and I hope I do especially for 2014...I'd like to do stuff I always said I would do in the new year like: -maintain my blog -open an online shop -travel more (ie. europe, philippines, go to an all inclusive with TJ! lol) -purge and give away stuff I don't need or use -work out and eat healthy Looking at this list looks more like new year's resolutions lol...I guess it is but it is a to-do list for me! lol Will be posting some photos of my amazing 2013 in the next post.... Thank you for being patient with my blog...please come visit again and let me know you passed by :) Peace and Love, Carezza